About the GSG
Imagine an immaculate world, one living in the Divine Will, united with the Sacred Heart, just like Mary’s loving Heart, Immaculate!
Take a group of people from society and give them all a green scapular, over time that group will convert. As that group grows in number the overall society around it is pulled more and more into an Immaculate society.
This group of people will grow in number and over time those outside the church will come into the Church and those in the Church will go further in.
As the faith of people grow they begin to realise their unique calling in life from our Lord and as a group they work together to bring about the Father’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
GSG stands for Green Scapular Guild. It’s a Guild of Catholics who, through the promotion and distribution of the Green Scapular and with the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to it, work for the conversion of the whole world to Christ. The Harvest is ripe.
The Green Scapular is a Sacramental of the Church given to us by our Lady in the 1800s and channels tremendous graces of conversion, protection and healing.